Ok so I have a blog I had better learn how to use it and start posting.
I am a 44 year old woman on the edge of insanity. I think it comes with age, some people find wisdom, others find their inner child and yet others struggle in the sea of life to find it's mysteries before it is too late. I think I have a finger in all those pies.
A little about me
I was born in Sth Africa in December 1965.
This is what was happening in my new world
December 1 – The Border Security Force is established in India as a special force to guard the borders.
December 3 -The first British aid flight arrives in Lusaka; Zambia had asked for British help against Rhodesia. Members of the Organization of African Unity decide to sever diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom, unless the British government ends the rebellion of Rhodesia by mid-December.
December 5 – Charles de Gaulle is re-elected as French president with 10,828,421 votes.
December 8 - Rhodesian prime minister Ian Smith warns that Rhodesia will resist a trade embargo by neighboring countries with force. The Race Relations Act becomes the first legislation to address racial discrimination in the United Kingdom.
December 8 - The Second Vatican Council closes.
December 9 – A Charlie Brown Christmas, the first Peanuts television special, debuts on CBS, quickly becoming an annual tradition.
December 15 - Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARIFTA) formed.
December 15 - Tanzania and Guinea sever diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom.
December 15 - Gemini 6 and Gemini 7 perform the first controlled rendezvous in Earth orbit.
December 17 – The British government begins an oil embargo against Rhodesia; the United States joins the effort.
December 20 – WFP made a permanent UN agency.
December 21 - The Soviet Union announces that it has shipped rockets to North Vietnam.
December 21 - Soviet scientists condemn Trofim Lysenko for pseudoscience.
December 21 - In West Germany, Konrad Adenauer resigns as chairman of the Christian Democratic Party.
December 21 - A new, 1-hour German-American production of The Nutcracker, with an international cast that includes Edward Villella in the title role, makes its U.S. TV debut. It is repeated annually by CBS over the next 3 years, but after that, it is virtually forgotten.
December 22 - A military coup occurs in Dahomey.
December 22 - A 70 mph speed limit is imposed on British roads.
December 25 – The Yemeni Nasserite Unionist People's Organisation is founded in Taiz.
December 27 – The British oil platform Sea Gem collapses in the North Sea.
December 28 – Italian Foreign Minister Amintore Fanfani resigns.
December 30 - President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia announces that Zambia and the United Kingdom have agreed on a deadline before which the Rhodesian white government should be ousted.
December 30 - Ferdinand Marcos becomes President of the Philippines.
December 31 – Bokassa takes power in the Central Africa Republic.
South Africa under apartheid
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Apartheid (Afrikaans pronunciation: [ɐˈpɐrtɦəit], separateness) was a system of legal racial segregation enforced by the National Party government in South Africa between 1948 and 1994, under which the rights of the majority non-white inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and minority rule by white people was maintained.
Racial segregation in South Africa began in colonial times, but apartheid as an official policy was introduced following the general election of 1948. New legislation classified inhabitants into racial groups ("black", "white", "coloured", and "Indian"),[1] and residential areas were segregated, sometimes by means of forced removals. From 1958, black people were deprived of their citizenship, legally becoming citizens of one of ten tribally based self-governing homelands called bantustans, four of which became nominally independent states. The government segregated education, medical care, and other public services, and provided black people with services inferior to those of white people.
Apartheid sparked significant internal resistance and violence as well as a long trade embargo against South Africa. A series of popular uprisings and protests were met with the banning of opposition and imprisoning of anti-apartheid leaders. As unrest spread and became more violent, state organizations responded with increasing repression and state-sponsored violence.
Reforms to apartheid in the 1980s failed to quell the mounting opposition, and in 1990 President Frederik Willem de Klerk began negotiations to end apartheid, culminating in multi-racial democratic elections in 1994, which were won by the African National Congress under Nelson Mandela. The vestiges of apartheid still shape South African politics and society.
My parents were very much against Apartheid and decided Africa was not a country they wished to live in any longer and decided to immigrate in 1973.
I will always be grateful I was brought up in a home where everyone was considered equal no matter their skin colour, religion or country of origin.
Whilst I miss Africa as much as my young memory allows me too and all my family are still there, I love Australia and have been here now for 33 years.
Africa is certainly a place I wish to travel to, I would dearly love to see my old country again. I have lost a lot of my heritage, customs and ideals most of which is a good thing I guess. But the food, beautiful landscapes and wildlife are still alive in my heart.
So I have come a long way from the quiet shy 10 year old that 1st stepped foot into this country. I shall endeavour not to bore anyone out there in cyber world that ends up reading this too much.
But for now in the words of a famous farmer “That’ll do pig, that’ll do”